Welcome to the Nature Station
These nature-based activities are designed to help children develop curiosity about the natural world and empathy for our planet’s living things. The better children understand their relationship to nature, the more likely they are to care for it and protect it.
MAKE binoculars
Using cardboard binoculars helps your child practice their powers of observation in nature.
Season: All
Time: 30 minutes
GO birdwatching
Birdwatching can help your child practice patience and discover the diversity of birds and the role they play in our ecosystem.
Season: All
Time: 30 minutes
MAKE a nature journal
Making a nature journal builds your child's observation and reflection skills while encouraging a year-round connection with the natural world.
Season: All
Time: 45 minutes
MAKE flower art
Working with materials found in nature can help your child develop their fine motor skills, learn new words, think creatively, and express themself in different ways.
Season: Spring, Summer
Time: 45 minutes
BE a pollinator pal
Going on a pollinator pal adventure will help your child build their observation skills while sparking curiosity about the role of pollinators in nature.
Season: Spring, Summer
Time: 30 minutes
MAKE a compost jar
Making a compost jar helps your child learn about the compost cycle and build observation skills.
Season: All
Time: 30 minutes
BE a nature detective
Being a nature detective helps your child practice language and communication skills and learn the names of plants and animals.
Season: Fall
Time: 30 minutes
OBSERVE a puddle
Going for a walk after a rain shower can help your child begin to understand the water cycle and the role water plays in helping nature work.
Season: All
Time: 45 minutes
NAME a tree
Naming a tree helps your child develop empathy for the natural world and exercise their imagination.
Season: All
Time: 30 minutes